Democratising Access to Exciting Asset Classes

With banks having withdrawn from all but vanilla lending, Bedford Row Capital has evolved to serve a diverse range of businesses that want to raise debt finance. Bedford Row Capital provides issuers with a streamlined, highly efficient process that reduces costs and gives investors access to yield and liquidity. In the past 6 years Bedford Row has executed nearly 100 transactions. Bloomberg consistently ranks us in the top 100 arrangers.

Connect with our team

Stuart Gordon


50+ years experience in financial services. WM Mercer, Chief Investment Office at Close Investments and founder and Chief Executive of Escher UK Asset Management.

Dr. Scott Levy

Chief Executive Officer

25+ years experience in structuring, operations, technology and product development across structured finance, insurance and banking.

John Fox

Chief Operating Officer

20+ years of experience in investment finance and banking. Worked with Venture Capital for the mining industry and provided services incl. capital raising, M&A and project finance.

Prof. Kevin Haines

Head of Social Policy

More than 20 years as an academic, Head of Department, Director of Research, Strategic

Martyn Porter

Senior Advisor

25+ years in international banking and financial services with the HSBC group. CEO of HSBC Private Bank Monaco, Managing Director of HSBC Private Banking Luxembourg.

Dr. Vladimir Malenko

Business Development Advisor

An ESG and Islamic finance expert with a wealth of experience in fundraising and Shariah compliant finance.

Non-dilutive capital raising

Comprehensive solutions for structuring, arranging, originating and listing of debt securities. 

We have high flexibility in the structuring process for listed instruments including High Yield Bonds, Green Bonds, Sukuk, Actively Managed Certificates and more.  We package and service issues and provide access to assets not strategies.

  • Asset, currency and geography agnostic
  • Time and cost-efficient
  • Legal and technological innovations to streamline process
  • Listings on Frankfurt Stock Exchange

Focused on 4 parameters





Offering an End-to-End Structuring Process

In a nutshell

Pure Non-Bank Originator

Award-winning leader in origination and structuring in the CP market and Bloomberg consistently ranks us in the top 100 arrangers.

State Of The Art Technology

Proprietary technology platforms support greater transparency, accuracy and reduces costs.

Straightforward Process

Offering of comprehensive solutions for structuring, arranging, originating and listing of debt securities.

Risk Evaluation

Rigorous Due Diligence and Risk Reports on underlying companies.

Structured Approach

Legal and technological innovations to simplify the origination and structuring process

Global Team

Highly dynamic and experienced team with a high service proposition.

Our core pillars




Our origin story

How Bedford Row Capital became a boutique origination specialist with the aim to service SMEs

The great financial crisis
  • Fragmented the Debt Capital Market (DCM)
  • Left Mid-market disenfranchised
Gap in the market

Banks focus only on large and benchmark issues and ignore most of the issuance market.

Asset classes homogenize

Traditionally Merchant banks arranged Mid-market deals, but the market morphed towards homogenised assets classes like STS.

Bedford Row Capital is Founded
Bedford Row Capital Logo
Listed on Frankfurt Stock Exchange
A series of Firsts
  • First listed sukuk for a European listed corporate
  • First listed altfi platform forward flow securitization in Europe
  • First listed originate to distribute transaction in Europe
  • Best Non-Bank Arranger Award from CMD
  • Debt Capital Markets Firm of the Year award from MA Today

Bedford Row Capital Policies

The Company has a zero-tolerance position towards slavery and human trafficking in all forms. Modern slavery is wholly incompatible with our ethics and the general standards of integrity expected of all company Employees. As well as working to prevent modern slavery in Company’s business operations and supply chain, the Company takes every opportunity to ensure its partners apply the same standards in their operations as the Company does. 

Click Here to Read More

Bedford Row Capital acknowledges that Employees have responsibilities and commitments outside of work. BRC recognises these responsibilities and commitments, so far as is reasonably doable in the context of its operational requirements, to better enable employees to balance their work and home lives.

Click Here to Read More

This Policy sets out the rules towards anti-corruption rules, as set out in the Bribery Act 2010 (“Bribery Act”). 


Bribery is a form of corruption which – when left unchecked – can seriously harm the economic growth of a society. In the United Kingdom as well as in many other jurisdictions both receiving and offering a bribe is a crime. 

The Bribery Act has two general offences: active bribery and passive bribery. Active bribery means either offering, receiving or giving a bribe. The definition of passive bribery consists of requesting, agreeing to receive or accepting a bribe. There is a prohibition on the bribing of a foreign public official in order to gain business advantage (section 6, Bribery Act). Firms can also become liable for a failure to prevent the use of bribery in their organisation (section 7, Bribery Act). 

The Firm should be aware of the potential legal and reputational repercussions should any of its employees, executives, or agents be found guilty of unlawful business practises such as bribery. 

As a general principle, a potential loss of business should never justify any form of bribery, large or small. Bedford Row Capital plc (the “Company”) does not sanction bribery or any other corrupt practices under any instance.

This policy applies to all employees, partners and any agents that act on behalf of the Company, affiliated entities and partners in joint ventures (the “Policy staff”). 


The Company has expressly prohibited the following activities from the Policy staff:

  • offering;
  • giving;
  • soliciting; or
  • accepting

of any bribe or inducement, to or from any individual, company or entity in order to gain commercial, contractual, regulatory, or personal advantage.

The Company expects that the Policy staff will act in the same manner in accordance with the Bribery Act. The Company refuses to do business with any counterparty that fails to follow the same principles as set out in the Bribery Act.

The Company does not prohibit the following activities which do not violate the principles of the Bribery Act:

  • Normal hospitality (proportionate and reasonable to the business);
  • Ceremonial gifts;
  • Fast-tracking a process when it is available to everyone on payment of a fee; or
  • Providing resources to assist the person or body to make a decision more efficiently provided that these resources are only given for that one purpose only.

If it becomes unclear whether a particular conduct would constitute a corrupt business practice, further guidance can be sought from the Compliance Team.

Responsibilities of Policy staff

Every member of staff is responsible of preventing, detecting and reporting the acts of bribery. 

The prevention obligation includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • refusing any potential or suspected bribes in an unequivocal manner;
  • promoting a culture in one’s team and larger organisation which raises awareness of commitment against corruption; and
  • acting ethically and with integrity in carrying out one’s responsibilities.

The reporting obligation includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • reporting any offers or solicitations for bribes or other inducements;
  • reporting suspicious behavior; and
  • reporting any breaches of the Policy.

Reports of potential corrupt activities should be directed to the Compliance Officer either by phone or email depending on the urgency of the matter.

The Company has a right to take disciplinary action towards an employee who fails to follow the guidelines of this Policy. 

Management committee responsibility

The management committee is responsible for ensuring that this policy is up-to-date and enforced in accordance with the terms of the Policy.  

Welcome to Bedford Row Capital plc. We understand that privacy online is important to users of our website, especially when conducting business. This statement governs our privacy policies with respect to those users of the site (“visitors”) who visit without transacting business and, visitors who register to transact business on the site and make use of the various services offered by Bedford Row Capital plc.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 or any replacement legislation including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (together, the “Data Protection Legislation”), the data controller of your information is Bedford Row Capital plc (BRC), 1 Bedford Row, London WC1R 4BZ, under registration number 10010194.

By accessing any part of this Site, or otherwise using our services, you acknowledge that we may collect, use and transfer your personal information as described in this policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this policy, please do not continue to access this Site or use our services. If we ask for your consent to a particular use of your information on this Site or otherwise and you give that consent, that use will also be covered by this policy. We recognise the need to treat any information which you do provide in an appropriate and lawful manner.

What We Collect

BRC collects and keeps information about:

  • how to reach you (such as name, title, firm, mailing and e-mail address, phone and fax number);
  • how to bill you or register collateral charge over your assets (such as bank information and billing address); and
  • information about which specific markets, functional areas, and types of information are pertinent to you.

We may also automatically collect technical information when you visit or otherwise use our Site, such as your IP address, and information about your visit, such as the pages that you viewed.

  • Subject to your rights, we may use the above information to:
  • Perform any contract which we may have with you;
  • Help us send you information that is useful to you;
  • Avoid bothering you with information that isn’t useful to you;
  • Comply with our legal obligations; or
  • Protect our legitimate business interests e.g. to analyse the use of the Site or our services in order to continually improve them.

When We Collect It

We may collect your information from multiple sources. We collect information through our Site when you fill out an online form or, respond to one of our e-mail notices or, otherwise communicate with us.

Further examples of ways in which we may collect your information include:

  • when you participate in our due diligence exercises;
  • when you attend one of our meetings;
  • when you provide us with your business card;
  • when you write to or otherwise communicate with us; or
  • when you provide us with information orally.

By disclosing your information to us via methods such as those listed above, you acknowledge the collection, storage and processing of your personal information by BRC in the manner set out in this privacy policy.

What We Receive From Other People

We occasionally work closely with third parties who may collect personal information from you and pass it on to us. Our staff may also give us emergency contact information as part of our emergency scenario planning and may give us details of their next of kin or dependants in relation to their employee benefits arrangements. Where this is the case the third party is responsible for obtaining the relevant consents from you to ensure you are happy with the ways in which your personal data will be used.

What We Do With It

  • Data gathered on BRC forms:

When you submit an online form through our Site, we use the data to process your enquiry. Your email address is used where you have consented or where we are otherwise entitled to do so, to store the data provided so that it’s easier for you to register for future events and to send you our newsletter or other communications.

  • When you ask for a password:

If you’re asked for some information when you apply for a password to secure pages, it’s used to generate a password and communicate password and other pertinent information relating to your account to you.

  • User Type:

The information you provide us with may also be used to help us identify the type of user you are, whether you are a Sponsor, Distributor, Broker, Sales Manager or representative of a High Net Worth individual or, any other wholesale investor.

  • Third Parties:

You should be aware that, where you have consented, your business contact information may also be provided to third parties. In addition, and where applicable, your payment details may be provided to our third party services providers (such as our payment processors or Registrar) so that we can process your order(s).

  • Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

We, or our third party service providers, may disclose information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, such as to respond to a subpoena or similar legal process, and to otherwise cooperate with law enforcement or regulatory authorities.

  • Business analysis:

Subject to your rights and in accordance with standard business practices, BRC and/or its third party services providers may use your data to monitor or analyse its business practices.

  • Sending marketing communications:

Where you have consented, or where we are otherwise entitled to do so, your contact information may be used to send you information about BRC’s services that may be of interest to you by email. You may opt out of receiving marketing communications from us or our associated third parties by:

        (a) contacting us at or

        (b) following the instructions in the relevant marketing communication.

  • In the event of a sale, merger or financing:

In accordance with standard business practices, if BRC or any of its third party suppliers to whom your data is sent enters into a joint venture with, purchases or is sold to or merges with another business entity, or obtains finance, your data may be disclosed or transferred to the relevant target company, new business partner, or finance provider or their advisers.

Data Accuracy and Retention

We use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all personal information we hold about you is accurate and up to date. Information which is incorrect, or misleading is inaccurate, and steps will therefore be taken to check the accuracy of any personal information. Inaccurate or outdated information will be destroyed. Please assist us in keeping your information as accurate as possible by updating us in the event that anything changes.


Our privacy policy does not apply to third party websites that may be accessible through links from our Site (and we do not accept responsibility or liability for the way in which your personal data is processed by the operators of any such third party websites). We encourage you to read the privacy policies of those third parties to learn how they collect and use information about you before using our sites or providing any personal data about yourself.

Your rights

We will usually inform you (before collecting your information) if we intend to use your information for marketing or research purposes or if we intend to disclose your information to any third party for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any time, raise any queries or complaints in relation to how we use your information by contacting us at Should you wish to take any complaints or queries further, you have the right to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office regarding such issues.

Accessing and updating your information

You have the right to see the information we hold about you and to ask us to:

  • make any changes to ensure that any information we hold about you is accurate and up to date;
  • erase or stop processing any information we hold about you where there is no longer a legal ground for us to hold it; or
  • in some cases, transfer any information we hold about you to a specified third party.

If you wish to do this, please contact us using the contact details set out below.

Security, data transfers outside of the EEA and data retention

We take steps to protect your information from unauthorised access and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. We will only keep your information for as long as we reasonably require and, in any event, only for as long as Data Protection Legislation allows.

The data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”) or the United Kingdom (“UK”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA or the UK who work for us or third parties engaged in, among other things, the provision of support services to us. By submitting your personal data, you acknowledge this transfer, storing or processing. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this policy and the Data Protection Legislation. This means that we will only transfer your information to third parties that:

·  are in countries that have been confirmed by the European Commission to provide adequate protection to personal information; or

·  have agreed to provide all protections to your personal information as set out in the Data Protection Legislation.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk.

Password Security

The registration processes on our website may involve you giving a password and account designation. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password and account and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or account. You agree to:

· immediately notify BRC of any unauthorised use of your password or account and any other breach of security, and

· ensure that you exit from your account at the end of each session.

BRC cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to comply with this obligation.

Changes to This Policy

We reserve the right to update or otherwise vary this policy from time to time, without notice to you. Your access to or use of our website at any time is subject to this policy as then in effect. It is your responsibility to review this policy regularly to make sure you are aware of any changes and comply with any changed policy. If you do not agree with any changes made to this policy or the terms of use for our Site, please do not continue to use our services or use or visit our Site.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please contact

Last reviewed July 2020

1. Site Ownership, Authorisation and Copyright

This site is the property of, and has been produced by Bedford Row Capital plc (the “Company”). Unless otherwise stated, all copyright, design rights and other intellectual property rights in documents, graphics and other materials on this site are owned by the Company. All rights are reserved.

2. Site Access and Use

Access to and use of this site is subject to control and monitoring by the Company. By accessing this site you agree to be bound by these Legal Terms. These Legal Terms may be amended, restated or otherwise varied by the Company without notice. Any changes, modifications, additions to or deletions from these Legal Terms shall be effective upon posting on this site. If you use this site after we post changes to these Legal Terms, you accept the Terms as changed. At our discretion (subject to your registration) entities of the Company may provide you news and information services. You agree to comply with the conditions imposed on your use of the services, as set out in these terms and conditions and elsewhere in our site. These services may be provided by a third party. Any such services are provided on an ‘as is’ basis and with no intention to create a legal relationship between us. We do not accept responsibility for their content, or for any delays, interruptions or errors in the provision of these services. The site is provided ‘as is’ and may be restricted, interrupted, withdrawn, varied, terminated, discontinued, suspended, updated, extended, re-formulated or re-introduced by the Company at any time. Access if given may be withdrawn at any time without the giving of notice.

3. No Offer and No Solicitation

The information, material and applications presented in this site are provided to you for information purposes and nothing contained on this site should be considered as an offer or a solicitation to sell or an offer or solicitation to purchase any of the products as described on this site. Products described on this site are only available via appropriate financial advisers. The products described on this site are therefore limited in all jurisdictions to the extent that applicable law so requires. In the event that you purchase any product referenced in this site, such product shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, its terms. In any event these pages and any presentation linked thereto shall not in any circumstance form any representation, warranty or inducement in respect of any contract later entered into between you and any part of the Company.

4. Brochureware

This is a ‘brochureware’ site. This means that all information displayed on the site’s pages is for information purposes only. All pricing levels and valuations published on this site are indicative only and may be amended, varied or modified without notice. No representation is made that any trade can be executed at these prices. While we seek to ensure that the information appearing on the site pages and any materials available for download on this site is correct and up to date as of the date upon which they were issued, we give no warranty, express or implied as to their or its accuracy, timeliness, suitability or completeness or that it is up to date. We hereby expressly disclaim to the extent permitted by applicable law and/or regulation all warranties express or implied, regarding the site and any results to be obtained from the use of the site including but not limited to any implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for particular purpose or use, originality, accuracy, completeness and non infringement and all warranties arising from course of performance, course of dealing and/or usage of trade or their equivalents under applicable laws and/or regulations of any jurisdiction. As regards pricing and valuation, user’s should note that these have most likely been computed using proprietary models of the Company or its providers. These models are designed bearing recognised financial principles in mind and are designed to operate within current market parameters; however, the Company does not represent or warrant the accuracy of such principles or parameters or any result generated by such models. Prices which appear contain herein should not be relied on for the purposes of valuation and neither the Company nor any connected person accepts any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss arising from any use of the information or its contents. We do not accept any liability for error or omission or inoperability of this site and nor shall we be liable for any other damages (including damages for consequential loss or loss of profits) howsoever arising from the use of this site. Specifically, information (such as, without limitation, information pertaining to taxation) may become out of date due to the elapse of time. Information, once loaded on to the site should only be considered current as at the date of initial publication appearing thereon and cannot be relied up as being up to date on the date on which you may access the information. We maintain the right to delete or modify information on this site without notice. Unless otherwise stated, all estimates and opinions included on this site (including in documents available for download from this site) reflect the judgement of the Company as at the date they were published and may be subject to change without notice.

5. No Advice

This site does not constitute advice regarding prospective purchases, sales or other transactions effected in or with regard to the products described on this site or with regard to the timing of any such transactions or any decision to refrain from entering into such transactions. The information appearing on the site pages and any materials available for download on this site do not constitute financial or other professional advice and should not be relied upon as such. Prospective investors should consult their own individual independent financial advisors who will advise them in light of their individual circumstances. The information on our site does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise affect any transactions or to refrain from so acting.

6. Conflicts of Interest

The Company, its managers and employees may from time to time perform investment banking or other services, or may have a position or act as market maker, protected index sponsor for/in connection with the securities or related investments mentioned herein. Conflicts of interest are managed and mitigated against through a number of methods such as procedures to identify possible conflicts, disclosure to the client, establishing internal arrangements such as ‘Chinese Walls’ and segregated reporting lines.

7. Historical Performance

Past performance is not indicative of future results and no representation or warranty, express or implied is made regarding future performance. Additionally, currency fluctuations between the currency applicable to the relevant financial product and any base reporting currency applicable to its holder may produce a negative performance even if the financial product would otherwise produce a positive result. Investors in products, the values of which are influenced by currency volatility, effectively assume this risk. Holders should also take into account the impact of inflation when considering historical performance.

8. Electronic Media

8.1 Reputational Risk

Our reputation is the most vital asset in our business to protect; and the hardest to replenish. You agree that in your use of this website you will act in a reasonable commercial manner and will not use our services for any purpose which is unlawful, abusive, harassing, defamatory, obscene or threatening. You will not solicit our customers or others or participate in the solicitation of our customers or others for any purpose. You will not upload, post, reproduce or distribute any information, software or other material protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right (as well as rights of publicity and privacy) without first obtaining the permission of the owner of such rights. Nor will you in any way express or imply that the opinions in your electronic communications are endorsed by us without our prior written consent.

8.2 Site Security

Despite our best endeavours to ensure security of our site, it is possible that the law will change or that commercial pressures will dictate that we should enter into arrangement such that under certain circumstances law enforcement agencies may be authorised to decode messages sent between us. You agree that you have no objection to us entering into any such arrangements. Although we may use encryption technology, we do not warrant the security of any communications between us via the Internet. Further communications over the internet and by e-mail cannot be guaranteed to be secure. Persons communicating in such manner should consider the appropriateness of such communications in such manner given the risks regarding confidentiality, the timing of messages and errors in internet delivery.

8.3 Hyperlinks

We accept no responsibility for the content of any site, other than this site, to which a hypertext link from this site exists. Any links are provided on an ‘as is’ basis with no warranty, express or implied, for the information provided within them.


You may download or print copies of information contained within the site for your own private use only; however, all other copying, reproducing, transmitting, distributing or displaying of material on the site (by any means and in whole or in part) is prohibited without prior permission in writing.

8.5 Cookies

The term ‘cookies’ refers to text-only string that is entered directly by this site into the memory of your internet browser. Users are reminded that when accessing this site, cookies may be temporarily stored on the User’s computer or accessed via the User’s computer or network which enable the Company to identify the computer which is accessing this site and thereby to provide short-cut in navigation around the site for the benefit of Users. To stop cookies being placed on your terminal equipment please refer to your specific internet browser for instructions. In some cases, blocking cookies may reduce the functionality of the site or prevent access to it depending on your chosen browser options.

9. Data Management

The Company may collect personal data through your use of this site. Any such data will be subject to the protections afforded by law to data subjects in the United Kingdom and any such data will be processed in line with applicable legal requirements in England and Wales. By accessing this site you acknowledge and agree that to the extent permitted by law, any such personal data may be used for marketing purposes by the Company.

The Company is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office ZA182903.

More information can be found at

10. Severability

If at any time any provision (or part of any provision) of these Legal Terms is, or becomes, illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, that shall not affect the legality, validity or enforceability in that or any other jurisdiction of any other provision (or any other part of this provision) of these terms.

11. Law and Jurisdiction

11.1 Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

No rights are conferred on any person under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these Legal Terms. This does not affect any right or remedy of any person which exists or is available apart from that Act.

11.2 Governing Law

These Legal Terms are exclusively governed by and shall be construed in accordance with English law.

11.3 Jurisdiction

You hereby irrevocably agree that the courts of England and Wales are to have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with these Legal Terms and that accordingly any proceedings arising out of or in connection with these Legal Terms shall be brought in such courts.

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